

Bannock's "crab" he made

I just love this little boy. He's so stinkin smart I could create a blog just for him and the things he says and does. This video was on a day when he was sick and had a fever of 102. He was so pitiful. Early that day Sean had said to me (while Bannock was in the other room) "Mama somebody wants watermelon, he was asking for it while you were asleep" and then, some four or five hours later I came upon bannock in the kitchen and this is what I found (if you can't understand him he's saying "mama, somebody wants watermelon") so sweet, and yes, he did get some watermelon :)

Other fun things:
- We made milkshakes the other night and Bannock said "Want red milkshake!... actually, no, want GREEN one!"
- Lately I have him take showers with me to keep him out of trouble and he's the biggest water hog! He used to play with toys but now he just stands under the water and if I move the stream or get under it he backs up until its hitting him again (or if I'm in the way he says "no mine!" and pushes my legs)
- he's learned to tell us what he likes = "I yike orange juice" or "I yike green" and the other day in the car listening to music "I yike Journey"
- He can count to ten
- he knows his letters and colors
- he can tell a pteranadon from a triceratops and a t rex (and can say the names too!)
- he felt "baby brother" move for the first time and now points to my belly saying "baby brother moving in there" or "shh baby brother sleeping" or else he just blows raspberries on my tummy
- when he sees something similar to someone or thing he says "that's like you!" (i.e. he saw a baby in a magazine and said "baby Brooke, like you!" - Brooke is our neighbor's baby girl)
- if I drop something he says "mama I'll get it" or "mama I'll clean it up!"
- he likes to keep his hands clean and asks for napkins after he says "mama have dirty hands!"
- he says please, thank you, welcome and "s'cuse me!"

Anyway, I'll stop but I like to have this stuff on some sort of record. I love this little guy, I know he'll be a sweet big brother and I'm so lucky to have such a sweet little boy who loves his mama so.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so sweet I miss cute bannock! I hope he hasn't forgotten nanny and mark! Can't wait to see you guys soon!
