I'm Preggo!
It's official now. We found out while we were in California ( I was sick pretty much the entire two weeks) but we've been waiting to share the news until I was farther along. I'm now almost 8 weeks and my due date is around September 10th. I've been wanting (and trying) to get pregnant for a couple months and now it's perfect timing. Bannock and the baby will be exactly 2 1/2 years apart, which is what we wanted. I've been feeling pretty crummy most days, not too much vomiting but just nausea a lot of the time. Smells make me gag and I have extreme cravings. This is totally opposite my pregnancy with Bannock, where I had no symptoms whatsoever. I'm just happy to be joining the masses of all my other pregnant friends! I'm so excited to be a mommy again :)