
Christmas 2009

So my new year's resolution is to try keeping an up-to-date blog for our little family. And with our new laptop we got for christmas (!) it should be much easier.

So it was Bannock's first Christmas. He was pretty spoiled, but not as spoiled as his mama-who got everything she wanted from her wonderful husband Sean! He helped unwrap all his presents but his favorites were his driving toy and his new tonka truck-though the spongebob bouncy ball his up there too, he loves to kick it with his crazy goose legs he inherited from his mommy!

Now that Christmas is done it's back to the real world. Sean signed up for his classes - with the intent to sell during his off-time and mommy is still....working. Ok thats it for now-little chunko here wants to play with lappy*/* <-- courtesy of Bannock.


  1. This makes it seem like I was the one helping to unwrap the presents when you really meant Bannock, haha I love you anyway sweetheart. I'm glad you liked your gifts.

  2. Nice blog! Im excited to stay up to date on you guys. Better keep up on that New Years Resolution. P/s I liked the part about the goose legs :-)
